This soap smells like an almond croissant. This handmade soap is made with lots of great oils, plus cocoa butter and almond butter which makes this soap a real treat. With the addition of Brazilian almond and hazelnut oils you will think your taking a shower in the bakery. Brazilian sweet almond oil provides extra softening properties. Hazelnut oil from Brazil is said to be an excellent choice for it's ability to tone and tighten skin. We use the highest quality cocoa butter . Cocoa trees begin to bear fruit when they are three to four years old. A native of the central and South American rainforests, cocoa trees are now cultivated in many tropical locations around the world. This soap is great for all skin types
Great for all skin types, almond oil is created by the pressing of almond nuts. This oil is used to help relieve dry, itchy skin. Sweet almond oil is obtained from the nut of the tree. The almond tree is cultivated in Southern Europe, the Mediterranean countries and California.. This oil is a favorite carrier oil for essential oil aromatherapy blends, although it's often used by itself for moisturizing skin. The oil has no scent and is a great nutrient for softening and conditioning the skin. It's been known to be especially suitable for eczema, itchy, dry and inflamed skin. Hazelnut oil contains an astringent quality, making it beneficial for use on oily skin. It absorbs quickly and is useful on oily or acne-prone skins.
Hazelnut oil is high in essential fatty acids and is also soothing and healing to dry, irritated skin. Our products are produced using the highest quality.
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