1. Rich-creamy 100% pure milk provided by local farm raised animals .Delicious!
Making Organic farm Fresh Goat’s Milk Soap
2 .Oatmeal Organic Soap! That’ll Make Your Whole Day A Little Better
Organic Oatmeal Soap with Mango Butter
3. Like, this is so pretty, it almost makes me WANT to eat or drink ?!
4. These are so, so good There’s so much local fresh produce in Hawaii, that is why we choose one of best kona coffee to make our kona coffee soap. Kona coffee soap is my favorite.
Hawaii Kona Coffee Soap (New Mexico)
5 . We use fresh creamy buttermilk . Our buttermilk comes from healthy cows who have been feeding in open pastures and nothing else, with no added chemicals or artificial thickeners
These completely natural Artisan soaps contain no artificial colors , all out Goats milk, cow milk, and buttermilk all come from our local farm, ” Cant get much …You visited this page on 6/20/18.
Our goat milk soaps are famous for their high-quality natural ingredients and its 100% fresh goat’s milk, not dried powder milk. This soap is made from pure …
And how about some homemade soaps in a variety of delightful scents 12 gift soap box include a shave soap , Beer soap , Volcanic ash soap , Citrus , Coffee from the Sea , Tea tree , Olive oil and more…
Coffee Soaps contains freshly brewed coffee and coffee grounds for exfoliation.
Coffee Soap contains powerful anti-oxidant agents, protecting the skin against harmful bacteria. Coffee tightens pores and removes dead skin cells, making the skin looking younger. It also anti-wrinkle. Brazilian coffee grinds absorb garlic and onion and fish smell off your fingers, we recommended this soap as a hand and body soap.